Five Signs Your Child Might Have a Foot Problem Marietta Georgia

A Foot Problem in Your Child
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It is not uncommon for foot and ankle problems in children to go undetected due to the signs and symptoms being subtle. In addition to this, children oftentimes are unable to explain what the problem is. Based on this, it is the responsibility of any parent to take their child in to be checked early and on a regular basis.
Signs of a Foot Problem In Your Child
- If you notice your child is unable to keep up with other children in common physical activities. If you notice your child having difficulty, it could be because their feet and legs are constantly fatigued. Typically, this is a result of flat feet.
- Another sign is when children refuse to engage in physical activities that at one point in time they enjoyed and participated in with enthusiasm. When a parent notices this, it is usually caused by heel pain, common in ages between 8 and 14. It should be noted that stress from sports creates muscle strain as well as inflammation of the growth plate, the area at the back of a child’s heel.
- Another concern is when children attempt to hide their feet. Some children notice that the appearance of their feet has changed in some manner. However, they fail to inform their parents due to the fact that they don’t want to go in and see a doctor. Some of the signs a parent should look for are calluses, growths, any discoloration, or swelling around the toenails.
- Another area to be on the lookout for is when you notice your child repeatedly trips and falls. If this occurs, it could be in-toeing, lack of balance, or possibly neuromuscular situations.
- If your child has foot pain that lasts for more than a few days, take them to a Georgia Podiatrist for a complete exam.
A Foot Problem in Children Summary
If your child is experiencing any of the listed things above, it is important to get it checked out immediately before foot surgery or a long-term problem occurs. What steps do you do to prevent a foot problem in your children?
Call Our Marietta, Georgia Office Today at 404-806-3731, or Book your appointment online now!