Bunions Surgery

Bunions Surgery in Marietta Will Give You Relief
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Don’t Live With Pain–Our Bunions Surgery in Marietta Will Give You Relief. Bunions are formed with the joint below the big toe is pushed out of place. Bunions are nine times more common in women, often because of the pointy toe common in women’s shoes. These narrow areas push the toes into unnatural positions and create problems with prolonged wear. Many times bunions can be treated without surgery. But if those options have failed to help your bunions, it may be time to seek out our service for bunions surgery in Marietta.
When it comes to bunion surgery, there are several options. In order to find the solution that’s right for you, they’ll discuss your medical history, perform a physical examination, and take x-rays to determine the exact extent of the problem. Our doctor will use all of this information to evaluate your situation and make a decision that’s right for your individual situation. Once we have a plan for your surgery, you’ll be scheduled for your surgery.
Seeking Treatment
Our team will do everything possible to make sure they are comfortable before, during, and after your surgery. We’ll also ensure that you have the patient education needed to make smart choices for your health after the surgery. If you ever have any questions, please ask us. We’re here to help you! Quit living with the pain of bunions. Call our office today to visit our doctor about how bunion surgery can help you!
Call Our Marietta, Georgia Office Today at 404-806-3731, or Book your appointment online now!