
What is Acrocyanosis?
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Acrocyanosis is a disorder that causes spasms in the arteries responsible for blood flow to the skin on the hands and feet. When the skin is deprived of necessary oxygen due to the constricted blood flow, it takes on a blue color, known as cyanosis. Acrocyanosis is not a common condition, although it afflicts women more than men. In addition to blue-colored skin, the hands and feet may feel moist and cold. Swelling may also be present, but the condition usually does not cause pain.
Since acrocyanosis can worsen with exposure to cold, acrocyanosis of the feet is treated by keeping the feet warm and dry so that the blood circulates as best as possible. Insulated boots and insulated socks can help with this. The condition does not worsen over time. Since acrocyanosis can be present alongside a serious medical condition affecting the cardiovascular system or connective tissue.
Acrocyanosis is often seen in healthy newborns and refers to the peripheral cyanosis around the mouth and the extremities (hands and feet) . It is caused by benign vasomotor changes that result in peripheral vasoconstriction and increased tissue oxygen extraction and is a benign condition.
Where to Seek Treatment?
If you’ve been searching for Foot Doctor for your foot and ankle needs, take time to meet with the Podiatry Group of Georgia. Our doctor has the experience and knowledge you need to help your feet and ankles feel their best. Give us a call today and set up an appointment for your initial consultation. Call us today!
Call Our Marietta, Georgia Office Today at 404-806-3731, or Book your appointment online now!
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