OPEN Monday – Friday
CLOSED Saturday – Sunday
(404) 806-3731
Fax: (770) 321-0001
2864 Johnson Ferry Rd, Suite 100
Marietta GA 30062

Bunionectopy Podiatry Group of Georgia


Bunionectomy is a surgical procedure to  remove bunion. A bunion is an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe and is comprised of bone and soft tissue. It is usually a result of inflammation and irritation from poorly fitting (narrow and tight) foot wears .

Bunion Overgrowth

A bunion results in a bony overgrowth in the foot, causing the big toe to curve outward. Over time, a painful lump appears at the side of the joint. The big toe appears to buckle and move sideway towards the second toe. New bone growth can occur in response to the inflammatory process, and a bone spur may develop. Therefore, the development of a bunion may involve soft tissue as well as a hard bone spur. The intense pain makes walking and other activities extremely difficult. Since the involved joint is a significant structure in providing weight-bearing stability, walking on the foot while trying to avoid putting pressure on the painful area can create an unstable gait.

Bunionectomy is performed when conservative means of addressing the problem, including properly fitting, wide-toed shoes, a padded cushion against the joint, orthotics, and anti-inflammatory medication, are unsuccessful. As the big toe moves sideways, it can push the second toe sideways as well. This can result in extreme deformity of the foot, and the patient may complain not only of significant pain, but of an inability to find shoes that fit.


We can help, if you have a bunion, now is the time to call us.Foot pain, no matter how mild, is not natural. If you are experiencing pain or noticing a change in your feet you should seek medical care right away. Early care can help prevent the condition from worsening. Contact Podiatry Group of Georgia today to schedule your appointment or book you appointment online.

Call Our Marietta, Georgia Office Today at 404-806-3731 or Book your appointment online now!