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CLOSED Saturday – Sunday
(404) 806-3731
Fax: (770) 321-0001
2864 Johnson Ferry Rd, Suite 100
Marietta GA 30062

Category: Treating Foot and Ankle Arthritis

Foot Care Professional

Foot Care Professional

How To Choose A Foot Care Professional Podiatrist (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, or DPM) – Diagnoses, treats, and helps prevent foot diseases and conditions. May also provide toenail care and maintenance and works with people with diabetes and other medical...
Difference Between Broken and Fractured Bone

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and Treatments

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? One type of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. This is a less common type of arthritis. This is a disease in which certain cells of your body and your immune system attack healthy joints. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation in the...
Are Bunions Arthritis

Are Bunions Arthritis

Are Bunions Arthritis? Bunion Treatment If you think you have a bunion, you know how painful it can be and how important it is to receive treatment, but you may not know what is causing you the pain. At PODIATRY GROUP OF GEORGIA, We Can Help Answer and Treat Three...