OPEN Monday – Friday
CLOSED Saturday – Sunday
(404) 806-3731
Fax: (770) 321-0001
2864 Johnson Ferry Rd, Suite 100
Marietta GA 30062

Category: Hammertoes

Marietta & Atlanta Best Podiatrist

Marietta & Atlanta Best Podiatrist

Marietta & Atlanta Best Podiatrist Are Here! Marietta & Atlanta Best Podiatrist have spent years learning about feet! Your feet are an amazing area of your body, and one of the most complicated mechanically. There are over 26 bones in your feet,...
Marietta Podiatry Services

Marietta Podiatry Services

Marietta Podiatry Services For You ! Many people struggling with problems in their feet and ankles. In fact, the American Podiatric Medical association reports that nearly three quarters of Americans currently live with some kind of foot pain. They might not know the...
Different Types of Foot Doctors

Different Types of Foot Doctors

Different Types of Foot Doctors? Whether you’re a career woman who wears high-heeled shoes every day, an avid athlete who plays sports all year round, or you just have foot issues caused by bad genetics, odds are you will need foot pain management at some point...
Marietta & Atlanta Best Podiatrist

Foot Care Professional

How To Choose A Foot Care Professional Podiatrist (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, or DPM) – Diagnoses, treats, and helps prevent foot diseases and conditions. May also provide toenail care and maintenance and works with people with diabetes and other medical...
Are Bunions Arthritis

Are Bunions Arthritis

Are Bunions Arthritis? Bunion Treatment If you think you have a bunion, you know how painful it can be and how important it is to receive treatment, but you may not know what is causing you the pain. At PODIATRY GROUP OF GEORGIA, We Can Help Answer and Treat Three...