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CLOSED Saturday – Sunday
(404) 806-3731
Fax: (770) 321-0001
2864 Johnson Ferry Rd, Suite 100
Marietta GA 30062

Category: Don’t Live With Pain–Our Bunions Surgery

Hammer Toe Correction via Arthroplasty

Hammer Toe Correction via Arthroplasty

Phalangeal Head Resection (Arthroplasty) for Toe Joint Deformities Surgery Overview Surgeons often use phalangeal head resection to correct hammer, claw, and mallet toes. In this procedure, the surgeon removes part of one of the toe bones, the phalangeal head, so that...
Toe Lengthening (Brachymetatarsia)

Toe Lengthening (Brachymetatarsia)

What Is a Short Toe? (Brachymetatarsia) The short toe (brachymetatarsia or brachymetatarsal) is a condition where there is a growth disturbance to a bone in the foot creating a short toe.  A short fourth toe is most common, though it could affect any toe. ...
children podiatrist

children podiatrist

Children Podiatrist It is not uncommon for foot and ankle problems in children to go undetected due the signs and symptoms being subtle. In addition to this, children oftentimes are unable to explain what the problem is. Based on this, it is the responsibility of any...
Children’s podiatrist

Children’s podiatrist

Children’s Podiatrist It is not uncommon for foot and ankle problems in children to go undetected due to the signs and symptoms being subtle. In addition to this, children oftentimes are unable to explain what the problem is. Based on this, it is the...