Podiatry Group of Georgia

Foot and Ankle Problems in Children Podiatry Group of Georgia

Unfortunately, foot and ankle problems often go unnoticed in children. Oftentimes, any sign or symptoms can be difficult to pinpoint and children are unable to detect what their problem might be. Podiatry Group of Georgia points out that as a parent it is imperative to have your children’s feet…

Different Types of Foot Doctors

Whether you’re a career woman who wears high-heeled shoes every day, an avid athlete who plays sports all year round, or you just have foot issues caused by bad genetics, odds are you will need foot pain management at some point in your life…

Children Podiatrist

It is not uncommon for foot and ankle problems in children to go undetected due the signs and symptoms being subtle. In addition to this, children oftentimes are unable to explain what the problem is. Based on this, it is the responsibility of any parent to take their child in to be checked early and on a regular basis…

Amniotic Band Syndrome

Amniotic band syndrome, or ABS, is a rare condition that affects the fetus during pregnancy. About 1 in 1,200 babies are impacted by amniotic band syndrome. With ABS, thin, fibrous strands of tissue develop inside the amniotic sac and then entrap the fetus’s limbs, digits, or other fetal body parts…