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CLOSED Saturday – Sunday
(404) 806-3731
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2864 Johnson Ferry Rd, Suite 100
Marietta GA 30062

Tag: Foot Surgery

Tendon Repair Surgery

Tendon Repair Surgery

Tendon Repair Surgery Surgery is typically not needed for plantar fasciitis. About 95 out of 100 people who have plantar fasciitis can relieve heel pain without surgery. Your podiatrist may consider surgery if nonsurgical treatment has not helped and heel pain is...
Tailor’s Bunion Surgical Correction

Tailor’s Bunion Surgical Correction

Surgical Correction of Tailors Bunion Deformity The surgical correction of a tailor’s bunion deformity is strongly related to the surgical correction of bunion deformity about the big toe. A tailor’s bunion is the enlargement of the outside of the foot...
Tailor’s Bunion Surgical Correction

Underlapping Toes

Underlapping Toes Deformities of the toes are common in the pediatric population. Generally they are congenital in nature with both or one of the parents having the same or similar condition. Many of these deformities are present at birth and can become worse with...
Tailor’s Bunion Surgical Correction

Ganglion Treatment via Surgical Excision

What is Ganglion Treatment? Ganglion cysts of the foot are benign, fluid-filled, soft-tissue masses that attach to tendon sheaths or joint capsules. The fluid tends to be thick, sticky, clear, and jelly-like. It is like synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints and...